
Check the detailed rules for converting recruitment points:


Admission to second degree studies is restricted to persons who hold the title of master’s degreee (MSc), engineer, bachelor’s degree (BSc) or equivalent.

The candidates are admitted according to the ranking list based on the adjusted score indicated on the completed studies diploma and the compatibility or relatedness of completed studies with the selected second degree course.

If the completed course :

  • is compatible with the second degree course, the number of points scored is equal to the adjusted score indicated on the diploma plus two,
  • is related to the second degree course, the number of points scored is equal to the adjusted score indicated on the diploma plus one.
  • is neither compatible nor related to the second degree course, then the score is equal to the adjusted score indicated on the diploma.

A first degree course is compatible with the selected second degree course if it is the same type of course (with the title bachelor’s degree (BSc), engineer or equivalent.

Related courses are: all philologies, polish philology.

In the case of the same place in ranking list an additional criterion is the adjusted score of a diploma examination grade.

The final grade, grades for the completed courses and the mean grades (S) granted according to grading systems in other schools and universities are adjusted to the final grade, grades and mean grades (N) according to the grading system used in the University of Zielona Gora according to the following formula: N = 3 ( S-m) / (M – m) + 2, where M is the maximum and m is the minimum (pass grade/qualifying) grade used in the other schools or universities.

The interview entails the following:

  • Presentation and analytical discussion of a literary text (see the file below). The focus is on the writer’s context, themes, motifs, and problematic issues that possibly go beyond the text’s content, for example, philosophical import, political commentary, psychological mechanisms etc.
  • Presentation on one of the topics:

Topics in British Studies:

  1. The countries that make up the U.K. – their capitals and basic topography
  2. Famous landmarks
  3. British icons – people, fictional characters, products, places, etc.
  4. Traditions and customs
  5. Music, sitcoms, soap opera
  6. Celebrities
  7. Famous discoverers and inventors
  8. The government and major political parties
  9. British sports
  10. Lifestyle

Topics in American Studies

  1. Selected geographical regions of the United States
  2. The Constitution of the United States
  3. The federal government of the United States
  4. The legal system of the United States
  5. The educational system in the United States
  6. The American dream
  7. The American identity
  8. Religion in the United States
  9. Sports in the United States
  10. Ethnic, national, racial, etc. diversity
  • Presentation of individual research interests, including reasons for studying English philology as well as the working title and hypothetical content of an M.A. thesis.
  • Discussion of one of the following articles selected by the committee:

1 “Into the Melting Pot”


  1. “The London Effect”


  1. “The Smoking Gun: Can We Do for Gun Control What We Are Doing to Control the Vaping and E-Cigarettes Epidemic?”
  2. “The Use of Anglicisms in the Field of Education: A Comparative Analysis of Romanian, German, and French”
  3. “Polysemous usage in domesticated English varieties: A case study of the verb ‘see’ in Nigerian English”
  1. Is Literature Dying in the Digital Age?”

topics for a job interview

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18