

announcement of lists of people entered on the list of students for all studies in English (2024/2025)

Date: 30.09.2024
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September 30, 2024 is the day of announcement lists people entered on the list of students for all studies in English (2024/2025)

Recruitment is conducted in accordance with the announced recruitment calendar 


Enrollment for studies is conducted via the university recruitment profile >>> REGISTRATION FOR STUDIES

Recruitment takes place entirely online.

Delivery of documents: Al. Wojska Polskiego 69, room 9 a (ground floor)

The full list of faculties can be found here - STUDIES IN ENGLISH

If you have more questions feel free to contact us:

from monday to friday: 9:00 - 13:00


       Al.Wojska Polskiego 69,

         65-762 Zielona Góra

               building A-17

       room no. 403R - 404R

                (4th floor)

                      phone numbers:

                         789 441 947

                         789 442 110

                e-mail adresses:


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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18