
First-cycle degree programmes

After completing the course, you will have knowledge and skills in the use of computational, analytical and IT systems, as well as information processing and storage. This field of study offers two specializations: data modeling and analysis and the design and operation of analytical systems. The curriculum combines precise knowledge of analytical methods and tools as well as IT techniques with their practical use in social and economic life.


After completing the modeling and data analysis specialization, you can be employed in positions requiring solving tasks related to the collection and processing of data available in IT systems in order to perform analyzes and create reports. However, after specializing in the design and operation of analytical systems - in positions requiring the performance of tasks related to the design and use of databases and computer decision support systems.

Candidates will be admitted according to the ranking list based on the results of the matriculation examination.

Number of points for the ranking is determined as the weighted average number of points corresponding to the matriculation examination in subjects specific to the field of study.

Points for the ranking (R) are calculated using the formula:

R = 0,2 m1 + 0,3 m2 + 0,05 o1 + 0,15 o2 + 0,3 w


m1, m2 – points for Mathematics
o1, o2 – points for Modern foreign language
w – points for Biology or Chemistry or Physics or Geography or Computer Science

1 – elementary level or verbal maturity examination

2 – advanced level or written maturity examination

If there is no points or ratings of the required exam for a specific subject in the graduation certificate of secondary education, the ranking value is set to zero points.

At the same time:

  • if there are only points for an extended exam in the graduation certificate of secondary education but points for a basic exam are expected in the qualification procedure, points from the extended exam are taken as points of basic exam,
  • if there is no grade for a written exam in the graduation certificate of secondary education but such a grade is expected in the qualification procedure, the oral exam grade is taken as the written exam grade,
  • subjects equivalent to Computer Science: Elements of Computer Science, Foundations of Computer Science, Information Technology, the subject equivalent to Physics and Astronomy: Physics.

The results obtained by a candidate holding a maturity certificate / secondary school graduation abroad are Polish converted into recruitment points (P) according to the formula:

P = 98 ( S-m) / (M - m) + 2


S - is the calculated rating

M – maximum grade according to the scale used in a foreign school

m – minimum (admitting, qualifying) grade according to the scale used in a foreign school.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18